Market Report: AGV & AMR Robotics 2022

Executive Summary

Strong growth in 1h22 followed by muted demand in 2h22. Supply chain issues impacting delivery. Early market inflection signals

AGV& AMR robots

  • This report focuses on mobile robots used for transporting payloads/goods a-b (storage solutions are covered in other stiq reports)
  • The agv & amr robotics sector is highly fragmented with 400+ vendors globally
  • Applications for agvs & amrs vary from moving light 400g pcbs to very heavy 65 tonne steel coils

Market growth

  • Interviews suggested high sales levels in 1h22
  • Demand relaxed somewhat in 2h22, impacted mainly by russia’s war in ukraine and high inflation rates affecting automation plans and budgets
  • Growth appeared to be a combination of new business and postponed projects from 2020/2021

Supply chain problems

  • Supply chain disruption from 2021 deteriorated in 2022 and became more persistent in 2h22 with extensive lead times and increased prices
  • Backlogs expanded as most agv & amr vendors were unable to deliver
  • The primary issue was supply of components and a few vendors decided to design out components to alleviate supply chain disruption; however, it was unclear if this solved delivery times

Early inflection signals

  • There were early positive signals that efforts in ‘customer educational activity’ had begun to transform into wider sales and raise the potential for short to medium term market inflection
  • However, strained new venture capital flows and the continued absence of an agv & amr system integrator layer, combined with market fragmentation, could expand time to inflection

Market trends

  • Two key trends were: component suppliers consolidating functionality and agnostic fleet managers evolving into wider execution systems
  • Multiple component suppliers consolidated up & downstream functionality, such as lidar vendors adding slam software and chip manufacturers providing motherboards
  • A number of agv & amr vendors also broadened their product ranges with international ambitions
  • The partnering trend continued with a focus on additional and international sales channels

Market outlook

  • The primary impression from 60+ interviews was huge uncertainty for 2023 with the war in ukraine, inflation and interest rates mentioned frequently
  • Recessionary pressures could subdue demand in the short term and, depending on the severity, could potentially affect the market in the medium term
  • However, high employment levels continued to limit customers ability to attract staff and automation remained a prioritised option
  • Continued supply chain problems could potentially lead to customers exploring less flexible options

AGV & AMR key success factors

  • Senior management buy-in was viewed as a key critical success factor for agv & amr projects
  • Equally important was proper customer market research (incl. Reading stiq reports), knowledge & cross functional project teams, and the ability to properly identify and assess all the it systems affected and involved in a potential project


This report is available free of charge thanks to the generous sponsorship of Addverb

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Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Market segmentation
  • Market growth
  • Market fragmentation
  • Market trends
  • Supply chain issues
  • Interoperability
  • Critical success factors for agv & amr projects
  • Vendor demographics
  • Vendor profiles
  • Credits, interviewees & sponsor


  • Accerion (CEO)
  • Addverb (CEO, Americas)
  • Addverb (CEO, EMEA)
  • Addverb (CRO, Americas)
  • Agilox (CMO)
  • Aiten/ Popifyindustrial ( (General Manager)
  • Alstef Group (Sales Director)
  • BlueBotics (CEO)
  • Bosch Rexroth (Projects Director)
  • Conductix-Wampfler (Energy Mgmt)
  • Continental (Head of Product Line Intralogistics)
  • DTA (Head of Sales)
  • FARobot (Product Manager)
  • FES AES (Hydrogen Power)
  • Flowcate (Location System)
  • ForwardX (VP of US)
  • Fusion Processing (CEO)
  • Geek+ (GM M&F Overseas)
  • Gideon (Executive Operations Manager)
  • Guidance Automation (Managing Director)
  • Hatmill (MH Consulting)
  • iFollow (CEO)
  • IPLUSMOBOT (Overseas Business Director)
  • Karter (Commercial Manager)
  • Ketterer (Drive systems)
  • Kivnon (Managing Director)
  • Kollmorgen (Product Management Director)
  • Körber Business Area Supply Chain (VP AMR)
  • Kudan (COO)
  • Lemurian Labs (CEO & Co-founder)
  • LS LiDAR (BDM, North America)
  • Maxon (Drive Systems)
  • MIR (VP Marketing & Strategy)
  • Muratec (National Sales Manager)
  • NAiSE (CEO & Co-founder)
  • Nvidia (Product Management Director)
  • Omron (European Product Manager)
  • Proxima Robotics (CEO)
  • Robex (Reseller/System Integrator)
  • Romb Technologies (Director)
  • Safelog (CEO)
  • Samsa Software (Founder)
  • Seer (Head of Overseas Business)
  • Sevensense (CBDO)
  • Sherpa (CSO)
  • SICK (Industry Management)
  • SVT Robotics (Sr Director of Marketing)
  • Synaos (CPO & Co-founder)
  • System Logistics (Head of Market Operations)
  • Techvico (CEO)
  • Third Wave Automation (CEO & Co-founder)
  • Toposens (Sensor)
  • Vecna Robotics (Director Product Marketing & Strategy)
  • VisionNav (VP Global Sales)
  • Waku Robotics (CEO & Co-founder)
  • (Founder)
  • Wiferion (Energy Mgmt)

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