Market Report: e-Grocery Infrastructure 2022

Executive Summary

2022 e grocery infrastructure report, from central to micro fulfilment, in store and last mile technology


  • Multiple publicly traded grocers increasing capex for online & digitalisation initiatives
  • Non-legacy grocers very active buyers of material handling automation equipment
  • Increased traction for e-grocery platforms and headless architecture is now preferred option
  • Early mfc adopters continuing deployments
  • The first multi grocer locker delivery network


  • Multiple material handling system integrators have hired snr automation people from grocers; e-grocery viewed as the next big trend after e-commerce
  • Mfcs no longer viewed as a silver bullet, network approach from top warehouse automation vendors
  • Multiple new vendors; legacy vendors have released products & services overlapping with e-grocery


  • Online grocery sales declining from pandemic highs; declines at different speeds and likely influenced by geopolitical events & surging inflation
  • The partnering trend between mfc + e-grocery platform vendors has cooled/died
  • New mfc customer deployments quiet since the 2021 e grocery infrastructure report

Grocery sector extremely complex

  • Stiq acknowledges that the grocery sector is extremely complex with often short or immediate supply chains from farms to stores, often difficult to replicate
  • Many pureplay online grocers have partnered with legacy grocers for ready made supply chains
  • Online grocery sales remain at <10% as a proportion of all grocery sales in many countries, even strong online countries, such as the uk

Post pandemic impact, inflation

  • Many publicly traded grocers have announced expanded capex on digital & online initiatives and stiqs view is inflation will not affect the sector in the short term
  • However, there may be continued supply chain challenges for robotics and other automation equipment
  • Pandemic effects are subsiding fast and it is difficult to estimate any permanent positive effects on sales
  • Furthermore, post pandemic inflation caused by geopolitical events, qe, etc. Is currently impacting consumer behaviour

Clear differences in 2022 interviews

  • Stiq noticed a number of clear differences from the 2021 report (download here for free)
  • The main difference was the lack of new mfc deployments + a sense that legacy grocers (those with stores) are taking time to consider their approach to the online channel
  • Part of this could also be that many grocers built up significant technical debt during the pandemic that they are now unravelling

Significant experimentation

  • Grocers are experimenting significantly across online grocery technologies and modalities
  • For example, the very first shared (multi legacy grocer) last mile solution was unveiled in paris in 2022

No silver bullet

  • Overwhelmingly, stiqs impression of 50+ interviews and conversations with industry participants is that the sector remains in its infancy despite pr initiatives by early adopters and technology vendors
  • Significant hiring from grocers including such warehouse automation teams hints that vendors have some expectation of larger projects to come
  • Whilst legacy grocers have been relatively slow to buy equipment, pureplay grocers have accelerated automation deployments to gain and retain market share


This report is available free of charge thanks to the generous sponsorship of Grocery shop

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Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • The grocer landscape
    • Types of grocers
  • Online grocery market
    • Online grocery growth
    • The post pandemic market
  • The journey from off to online cannibalisation & complexity
  • E-grocery infrastructure
    • E-grocery software
    • In store technology
    • Fulfilment automation
  • Future of e-grocery infrastructure
    • Experimentation, return on investment flexibility
  • Sector m&a and demographics
  • Vendor profiles
  • Credits, interviewees & sponsor


  • AiFi (CEO)
  • aisle 3 (Founder)
  • Alert Innovation (CEO)
  • Apex Insight (Director)
  • Badger Technologies (CEO)
  • Brick Meets Click (Partner)
  • Bricz (CEO)
  • Cleveron (CMO)
  • Colib (CEO & Co-founder)
  • Cooler Screens (CEO)
  • Covariant (Head of Sales)
  • Dematic (Chief Disruptor)
  • Eiratech Robotics (Head of Marketing)
  • Emporix (CEO & Founder)
  • FoodX (SVP)
  • Gillespie Manners (CEO)
  • Grab2Go (CEO)
  • Grocerkey (CEO & Co-founder)
  • Instaleap (CEO)
  • Instock (CEO & Co-founder)
  • Knapp (Innovation & Logistics)
  • Local Express (VP Communications)
  • Mercatus (VP Marketing)
  • Neurolabs (Co-founder)
  • Ocado Solutions (Head of Communications)
  • Orckestra (Product Marketing Director)
  • OSF Digital (SVP)
  • Paycon (Co-founder)
  • Phononic (VP of Sales)
  • Retail Robotics (CMO)
  • Savills (Director)
  • Sensei Tech (CEO)
  • Spryker (Co-CEO)
  • (CEO)
  • Swisslog (Sr Consultant, Grocery)
  • Takeoff Technologies (CFO)
  • TGW (VP Business Development Grocery MFC)
  • TPG (Partner)
  • Urbantz (CCO)
  • Urbx (CEO)
  • Vargo (VP & Growth Officer)
  • VST (CEO & Co-founder)
  • VTEX (Analyst in Residence)
  • Wynshop (CEO)

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