Market Report: Goods-to-Person Ecommerce Fulfilment Robotics 2019

Executive Summary

The nascent but rapidly growing goods to person robotics market is being fueled by continued ecommerce growth, labor shortages, and the success of Amazon’s Kiva acquisition, with key developments including the rise of systems for online grocery fulfillment and advancements in robotic picking.

Goods to Person Robotics Market

  • Growing Market – The G2P robotics market is nascent but growing rapidly, estimated at $400-500 million in 2019.
  • Key Drivers – Continued ecommerce growth, labor shortages, and the success of Amazon Robotics are driving demand for G2P solutions.

Suppliers & Segments

  • 38 Suppliers Identified – The report profiles 38 companies offering G2P solutions across 3 segments: AMR, PA-AMR, and ASRS.
  • Geographic Differences – AMR dominates in Asia, PA-AMR in North America, and ASRS in Europe. Likely due to IP issues, labor costs, and legacy systems.
  • Funding Growth – Funding in the sector grew 120% in 2018 to $450 million. Major raises by Geek+ and GreyOrange in Asia.

Market Size & Growth

  • Market Size – Estimated at $400 million in 2018 based on supplier analysis.
  • Growth – Expected 45-80% growth in 2019 driven by strong demand and some large vendor deployments.
  • Key Players – GreyOrange, Geek+, AutoStore, Ocado, Swisslog, and Fetch Robotics identified as market leaders.

Technology & Trends

  • Picking Robots – Significant focus on picking robot development as a key enabler. But still 3-5 years from maturity.
  • Grocery Focus – Several new entrants targeting grocery, especially online fulfilment. Perceived as low penetration, high growth.
  • Hybrid Solutions – Emerging hybrid models combine AMR, ASRS, and robots in innovative ways.

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Table of contents

  • The Big Bang
  • Suppliers
  • Funding
  • M&A
  • Market Drivers
  • China
  • Market Size
  • Market Growth
    • AMR
    • PA-AMR
    • ASRS
  • G2P > G2R
  • ROI
  • Company profiles
  • Respondents
  • About STIQ


  • 6 River Systems (CEO)
  • 722 Consulting (Partner)
  • Alert Innovation (CEO & Founder)
  • Apex Insight (Managing Director)
  • AutoStore (Strategy Director)
  • Berkshire Grey (VP Marketing)
  • BionicHIVE (VP Sales & Marketing US)
  • Caja Systems (VP Business Development)
  • Cleveron (Co-founder)
  • Eiratech (CEO)
  • EQT (Partner)
  • Exotec (Sales Director)
  • Fetch Robots (Director of Product Marketing)
  • Flashhold/Quicktron (International Sales Manager)
  • Flipkart (Anonymous)
  • Fortna (VP)
  • Geek+ (Marketing Director)
  • HighJump (CMO/SVP)
  • HighJump (CTO)
  • HIK Vision (GM HIK Robotics)
  • Honeywell Intelligrated (Director of Strategic Marketing)
  • Honeywell Intelligrated (VP Business Development)
  • Hyundai (New Business Strategy Team)
  • IAM Robotics (CEO)
  • Intel (VP loT Group & GM Visual Retail)
  • inVia Robotics (CMO)
  • JDA (VP Product Development)
  • John Lewis (Head of DC Operations)
  • John Lewis (Member of the Board)
  • JungHeinrich (Director of Logistics System)
  • JungHeinrich (Member of the Board)
  • JungHeinrich (VP Product Management)
  • Knapp (Director Business Development & Marketing)
  • Kollmorgen (Director of Product Management)
  • Körber Logistics (CTO)
  • Locus (CMO)
  • Maginus (COO)
  • Manhattan Associates (UK Managing Director)
  • Manhattan Associates (VP Product Management)
  • Manhattan Associates (VP Product Marketing)
  • Metapack (UK Sales Director)
  • NextShift Robotics (EVP Sales & Marketing)
  • PostNord TPL (Business Development Director)
  • Prime Robotics (CEO)
  • Righthand Robotics (Co-founder)
  • RoVi (Co-founder)
  • Ryder (Group Director of Solutions Design)
  • Savills (Director of Research)
  • Scallog (CEO)
  • Soft Robotics (Marketing Manager)
  • STILL (Sr Director)
  • Swisslog (Head of Portfolio Management)
  • Takeoff Technologies (CEO, Co-founder)
  • Teradyne (VP Corporate Relations)
  • Tompkins Robotics (VP Operations)
  • Vanderlande (Sr Systems Engineer)
  • ZigZag Global (CEO)

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